"I believe in equal access to the courts and each citizen's obligation to obey, honor, and sustain the law." --Chris Bevans

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Note About This Campaign

The idea of this campaign has been percolating in my mind for some time--I've always wanted to be a judge--but this opportunity to run came very suddenly.  The recently-appointed judge to this position failed to make the deadline for filing as a candidate for the election.

Prior to my decision to run I learned that not everyone even knows that in Oregon the Constitution mandates that all judges be elected rather than appointed.  That is probably because in recent years the way it generally works is that a judge retires before his or her term expires, leaving a vacancy for the governor to fill.  Then, this appointed judge runs in the next election as an incumbent, usually with little or no opposition. Often such judges don't even bother to provide basic information about themselves in the voters' pamphlet--their victory is nearly certain without any effort. Potential judges who are not well-connected politically are left with one of two options:  Give up or join the political spending frenzy to unseat the recently appointed judge.  This time, however, a third option presented itself.

Since there will be no names printed on the ballot, it will be a completely write-in election. This evens the odds for everyone who wants to enter the race.  That's not only good for someone like me, but for the voters as well.  Because of this, the election won't necessarily be about who spends the most money or who has the best political connections.  There is an opportunity here for someone to really connect with the people of Lane County and earn the position.  Additionally, those who do take the time to vote for this position will be more invested in the outcome than if they just had to check off a name.

As a circuit court judge I might not be making earth-shattering decisions, but they will be life-changing ones for those who are involved.  For this reason,  I hope in the short time before the election I can present as many of my ideas on being a judge and answer as many of your questions as possible so you can make a more informed decision. Please spread the word to your friends so they can enter the conversation as well.

It's going to be a great race.  I hope you join me for the ride.

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